Welcome to Perfect Essence!
My name is Sharon and I'm an Usui Reiki teacher, having first stepped onto my Reiki path almost 13 years ago. I have a passion for anything natural, spiritual and esoteric and hope to help others on their journey of self-discovery and self-healing. I have been selling crystals and other holistic products for over 11 years now and earlier this year I took the plunge and bought several Rife generators, which have been an absolute game changer for myself and the people and animals around me. Not only helping with physical issues but also bringing peace and clarity to mental, emotional and spiritual issues. The ways we can use the frequencies generated from these machines are endless and I'm loving experimenting with different ideas. We can combine energy healing with crystal therapy in a brand new way!
I think a lot of us can agree that we are living in historic and crazy times, there is a shift happening and we are starting to see the effects of this energetically, spiritually, politically and financially to mention a few, and I believe we will be seeing huge positive changes over the next few years.
It has been prophesized for thousands of years that we would enter a time known as the "Golden Age" and we are currently moving into the age of Aquarius. We are now experiencing shifts in the Schumann Resonance and the solar flares are becoming more and more intense. In order for us to be able to integrate these energies, we need to work on our own energy systems, releasing negative energies and thought patterns, work on our shadow selves and release any karmic or soul contracts that no longer serve us and heal our physical bodies to the best of our abilities. The products and services on my website aim to help you do just that. These products can also provide some relief from ascension symptoms.
If you would like to become attuned to the beautiful Reiki energies and enrol onto a Reiki course to help you on your ascension path, or if you'd like to try the amazing Rife frequencies for healing, then take a little look around my site. Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Much love,
Sharon xx